About me

Hey there, my real name is Chloe. I have these nicknames people call me is Ice, iceh, iceehhh. You may either call me Iceh or some nickname you’d like to call me, as long as you tell me that you gave me whatever nickname you gave me so that I know you are referring to me when you say it. I currently live in UK, born, & raised here, but I plan to move out of the UK in my future or at least out of Scotland, I hope. I am bisexual, but I have nothing against people who are bi, gay or straight.

I’m really not close to anyone anymore, if I am being totally honest. After everything that has happened, the ups, the downs, the mass chaos and shifting of friends, there has never been anyone constant in my life. Yes, it gets lonely, but after constantly trying so hard to be considered a great friend, the favor is never returned. I stopped caring because trying to be that person was exhausting and I don’t have what it takes. Maybe one day I’ll have that single best friend that I can talk to everyday, do stuff with, trust and unconditionally love like a sibling bond, but for now that’s not the case. Despite of saying I was close to so and so in the past, that was me just trying to convince myself I had some stability in my life, but truth is I never felt more alone then even with all those people around me. The difference between then and now, there is less friend-like drama and stress. Back then it was just day to day stress, drama, fights, arguments, worry, over little stupid things or being pulled into things I really didn’t need to be involved in. I may be pretty much alone right now, but it’s less stressful, though that still might be just as bad because it’s so empty. Right now I am just trying to get my life back on track and move forward.